Installation is simple enough: 1) copy crea1371.dll in Windows folder, 2) edit system.ini [drivers] wave=crea1371.dll - and ta da...! I was so convinced I have to fiddle around to hear a sound, but no... it worked at first restart... (and still works after another few restarts)
ALS4000 must be mentioned in this thread... If there are no IRQ conflicts, you just run setup and you have sound in Windows 3.11. Is that simple. I think it took me 2 minutes to hear sound in Windows 3.11 using a PCI card and I wasn't ready for that...
Creative drivers Ct4750 Sound card zip
Well, the general idea was that PCI sound cards in Windows 3.11 are a no go... But there are at least three options: ESS Solo, ALS4000 and AU8820. Probably the original Ensoniq ES1370 cards do work in Windows 3.11. Those from Creative - definitely do not work with Ensoniq drivers, but there are unofficial drivers.
Unfortunately, this version doesn't work on newer motherboards - even if AU8820 works fine in DOS! So, there might be some chipset magic embedded into .386/.vxd driver files because AU8820 is recognized instantly on a VIA VMP3 motherboard, using a Windows 3.11 installation (with Aureal drivers) from another computer. But when the same drive is plugged on a newer motherboard I get the same error as if the card is not plugged in: "Couldn't get VxD API". I tested here several Intel/AMD motherboards in DOS with AU8820 and none of them is recognizing AU8820 in Windows 3.11.
Btw i've got this sound card working in a Windows 3.11 KVM Virtual machine using PCI Passthrough on c602 chipset motherboard. I noticed the VM makes any device attached to it behave like it's on the primary bus of the VM, at least thats how windows 98 & Windows 2000 device manager sees it. "maybe the emulated 440fx & PIIX3 chipsets on QEMU maybe gives it support? idk really..."
I have tested 2 Realtek PCI cards (8029/8139) which have Windows 3.1 drivers (although I suspect they rely mostly on DOS NDIS driver). Right now I'm using an Intel PCI-E gigabit card with DOS NDIS drivers and it works... (see photo)
Some other PCI sound cards from the same era are trying to detect at driver level if the motherboard is a Intel FX or Intel TX... (there is a thread here, somewhere) - I suspect something similar is going on....
If you can get an original ES1370 from Ensoniq you can use their drivers and install the card even on very modern hardware, right now I'm using an Audio 3000 PCI with ES1370 on a Ryzen 3900X - and it works perfectly. (MIDI also)
Hi omores,It's a 500mhz Celeron.Maybe I have not installed the drivers correctly. I don't have any of these settings on my machine.Or perhaps the card I got is not what it was advertised as. I think it is an es1371